Thai Traditional Massage

Unlike the European massage which targets muscles, Thai massage concentrates on the major energy meridians that run throughout the body. It aims to harmonize the body to loosen blocks. and the recoup deficiencies along these energy lines. Physically,by working on the pressure points of the body in combination with stretching movements, it relaxes tight muscles and stimulates blood circulation.

60 mins / 500 THB
90 mins / 750 THB
120 mins / 1,000 THB

Thai Traditional Massage With Thai Herbal Compress Massage

90 mins / 1,000 THB
120 mins / 1,250 THB

Aroma Oil Massage

60 mins / 1,000 THB
90 mins / 1,400 THB
120 mins / 1,800 THB

Aroma Oil Massage With Thai Herbal Compress Massage

90 mins / 1,500 THB
120 mins / 1,900 THB